Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mum’s character fashions daughter

  Jacqui and her special Mum Morag. 
AT the age of 24, Fashion WA’s Jacqui Brown has the world at her feet.
For someone so young within such a tough industry, Jacqui is forging ahead discovering new and untapped talent, signing up and pushing WA labels over east and abroad.

Having had the unique experience of working so closely with Jacqui in the capacity of model booker/talent scout and of late Perth Fashion Festival Design liaison, watch this space for what will be achieved in the not so distant future by a rising star.

Western Suburbs Weekly chatted to Jacqui  about her mum, Morag.

How has your mum inspired you?

Mum’s early 20s’ story is truly inspiring and has taught me to always follow my dreams.

At the age of 26, Mum left her tiny hometown of East Kilbride, Scotland, to live in some incredibly interesting places, such as Saudi Arabia, East Timor and Sumatra, Indonesia.

Although her friends and family discouraged her travelling to such dangerous parts of the world, Mum knew it was something she needed to see and therefore no-one could stop her.

I think that’s where I get my ‘never give up’, aka ‘stubborn’, attitude.

Why is she so special?

Mum is so special for so many different reasons. She’s just got that special ‘mother’s’ touch; the sweet gestures which come from the bottom of her heart.

What’s the best advice your mum has ever given you?

To take the plunge and do whatever makes me happy. Unlike most mums who think they know best for their children, Mum recognised that her children have a pretty good grip on life and therefore has always encouraged us to follow dreams.

What makes her happiest?

It sounds corny – but Mum’s her happiest when we (her family) are our happiest.

I’m known to get quite passionate and responsive when telling stories about exciting new developments at work, or super fun news of friends, and I think I get that from Mum. I love telling her exciting stories.

How will you spoil her on her special day?

I always get Mum and I matching pyjamas for Mother’s Day. It’s our thing; sometimes we just hang out in our matching pyjamas reading our books all day.

In what ways do you think you are most like your mum?

So many ways! We both get very excited about the little things; we enjoy silly giggles and nonsensical conversations.

Most though, I’d say I have her determination.

Growing up were you a little angel or a little devil?

Little angel! I actually was a little angel. I never really went out and partied or got in trouble at school. Mum even admitted she was a tad worried about that I never rebelled.

What’s the funniest thing your Mum has ever done?

  Ha! Where do I start? There are so many!
My sister and I had the funniest childhood; the three of us were always in fits of laughter over something silly Mum did.

She does this hilarious ‘ca’nae blow the candle out’, a weird Scottish joke that I hope everyone experiences one day.

It’s hard to explain, but the end result is always belly aches from laughing too much.

In one word describe your mum.
Best friend!

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